Fears & Phobias
Many of us have a healthy wariness of heights, spiders or snakes; these are survival instincts to protect us from danger. Fears and phobias are more than this and can be an overwhelmingly powerful aversion to anything or any situation. It is possible to have a fear or phobia of almost anything from heights and flying to animals, places or public speaking.
There are two main categories of phobias:
SPECIFIC OR SIMPLE PHOBIAS: Specific or simple phobias often develop in younger life and continue into adulthood, centring around a particular object, animal, situation or activity. Common examples are:
Situational phobias - such as flying, elevators and visiting the dentist
Animal phobias - such as spiders, snakes, dogs, rats
Environmental phobias - such as heights, germs and deep water
Sexual phobias - such as sexual performance or a fear of getting a sexually transmitted disease
COMPLEX PHOBIAS: Complex phobias usually develop during adulthood and are often associated with a deep rooted anxiety about that particular situation or circumstance. Complex phobias tend to be more disabling than simple phobias. The 2 most common complex phobias are:
Agoraphobia — Agoraphobia is far more complex than the fear of open spaces. Someone with agoraphobia will feel anxious about being in a place or situation where escaping may be difficult in an emergency or if they were to have a panic attack.
Social phobia (see social anxiety also known as social anxiety disorder) Social phobia is anxiety that usually results in the person avoiding situations such as: being alone; being in crowded places, such as shops or restaurants; travelling on public transport
How can hypnosis for phobias help?
We are not born with these fears and phobias, they are learned behaviours, sometimes from our parents or carers, often as a result of an event that we may or may not remember on a conscious level; that provoked powerful negative emotions which then become intensely linked to some aspect of that incident. Hypnosis for phobias can remove that link and relieve that fear no matter how long you have had it. Using hypnotherapy I can re-wire your subconscious mind and relieve that fear and anxiety leaving free to enjoy your life to the full without being held back or restricted.
Most common fears and phobias
Fear of heights
Fear of flying
Fear of spiders and other insects
Fear of water
Fear of needles
Fear of dogs
Fear of dentists
Fear of confined spaces
Fear of sickness
Fear of pregnancy
Symptoms of fears and phobias may include:
Shortness of breath
Unsteadiness, light-headedness or dizziness
Increased heart rate or palpitations
Upset stomach
Trembling or shaking
Difficulty speaking
Frequently Asked Questions:
+ How many sessions of hypnosis for phobias will I need?
Usually clients are cured between 2 and 5 sessions; some clients only need one session. It really depends on how deeply rooted the phobia is, how long you have had it and how well you respond to treatment. Most clients feel supported after their first session with an agreed treatment plan in place and relieved that they are well on the way to get rid of their phobia once and for all.
+ Why choose Changes Hypnotherapy for hypnosis for phobias?
I use a number of different therapeutic techniques that are proven to be quick and effective for hypnosis for phobias. I have had much success in removing the connection for clients, between the situation or object and the debilitating emotional response to it. We will work together to establish when this fear or phobia first started and how it affects you. During the first appointment I will find out about your personal circumstances and the symptoms associated with your phobia; this enables me to personalise your treatment. I will give you easy tools that you can practice when you don’t need them so they are readily available to you when you do. We will agree the goals you wish to work towards and work together until we achieve them. Using hypnosis it is possible to ‘test’ that your phobia is cured for good. See testimonials.
+ Does hypnosis for phobias work?
Yes, it is very effective! As fears and phobias are learned responses they exist in our subconscious minds, therefore hypnotherapy is a powerful and effective tool to remove that learned response. It will also reduce stress and remove general anxiety. See testimonials.
Hypnotherapy is a very effective treatment for fears and phobias it will help you:
- Overcome your fear
- Break the negative association to the situation or object
- Have the confidence to test that the phobia is cured
- Feel calm and relaxed and able to face your fear
- Be in control and free from the fear that was holding you back