General Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Hypnosis for anxiety has been proven to be extremely effective. We have all experienced feeling anxious at times; a feeling of worry or fear (mild to severe) which usually passes once the situation that was causing it passes.
Symptoms may include an increased heart rate, feeling short of breath, shaking and sweating. When anxiety becomes a problem it can be exhausting and debilitating, an intense and overwhelming feeling of fear, dread and worry. It may restrict everyday life, causing irritability and lack of concentration, indecisiveness and it may have a knock on effect to our relationships. Physical symptoms may include feeling frozen to the spot, palpitations, shortness of breath, tightness in the chest and stomach, shaking and sweating.
How can hypnosis for anxiety and panic attacks help?
Anxiety can cause a vicious cycle and can lead to panic attacks: frightening episodes during which one feels frozen to the spot and unable to breathe or move. Hypnosis for anxiety can break this cycle, leaving you free to be more yourself and enjoy your life more fully. Hypnosis can help by rewiring your brain, making new thought pathways which can in themselves become a new positive cycle of thinking, feeling and behaving in the way you choose to.
Why choose Changes Hypnotherapy for anxiety hypnosis?
I have an impressive track record of successfully helping clients using hypnosis for anxiety (see testimonials). During the first appointment I will complete an initial consultation to find out the details of your anxiety, for example: when did it start, what was going on at the time, has it worsened and how does it present itself? I use this information, coupled together with your personal background and circumstances to enable me to really understand what you’re dealing with and so personalise your treatment.
We can work together to identify any triggers and times that are particularity challenging, I can then give you tools and techniques that you can practice when you don’t need them, so they’re readily available to you when you do. I will propose various ways of treating your anxiety, some will use hypnosis, some will be talking through thought patterns and emotions on a conscious level, helping you to understand reactions and change them. Hypnosis can make it possible for you to choose your reactions and how you wish to feel. I will always explain what is involved in each treatment session, as I work in a client-led manner; you are listened to and always able to say if you feel comfortable with each proposed treatment method. I believe that as my client your instincts and what feels right for you are a good indication of what is right for you.
Hypnotherapy will help you:
Feel calm relaxed and will increase confidence and self-esteem
Stop overthinking and over analysing
Have a clear and peaceful mind
Have coping mechanisms to deal with triggers
Remove physical symptoms
Feel confident that you can easily deal with anything, any situation and anybody
Have a more positive outlook on life
Frequently Asked Questions:
+ How many sessions will I need?
Most clients need between 2 and 5 sessions of hypnosis for anxiety, some need more. Many clients feel much better after the first session, they feel supported with a treatment plan in place and pleased that they have taken the first step to make a positive change. The number of sessions each client needs depends on the severity of their issue, how well they respond to treatment and if they practice the coping tools and techniques between sessions.
+ Does hypnosis for anxiety work?
Yes! Hypnosis is highly effective at breaking these self-defeating cycles and removing the symptoms. Anxiety is born out of irrational fears and thought patterns, which are learned, you are not born with anxiety and panic attacks. Accessing the unconscious mind through hypnosis, I can change your mind set and enable you to unlearn ‘expecting anxiety’ to expecting to feel calm relaxed and confident and easily able to cope with any situation, these new expectations become your new day to day reality consistently. Using hypnosis I can re-programme your subconscious to be in control of your body and mind and feel calmer and more relaxed and therefore able to cope with any situation easily. See testimonials.