Stop Smoking and Addictions
Smoking is one of the most common addictions, many people want to stop smoking on a conscious level for all good reasons, but they still keep smoking. When you want to stop smoking hypnotherapy is considered the most effective way to help you quit. We can determine if you’re smoking out of habit or if it’s more of a compulsion — feeling that you really need to smoke due to stress or emotions, it’s very often a combination of both: stop smoking hypnotherapy will directly tackle all of these plus reduce stress and remove general anxiety.
Addictions often feel like habits that are so ingrained that they cannot be broken. Addictions leave us feeling that we are stuck doing the same things and repeating the same behaviours and cycles. Do you wish that you wish you could just stop your addiction? Are your habits and addictions really impacting your life, your relationships, your health or your future?
How can hypnotherapy help for smoking and addiction?
We all have ingrained patterns of behaviour that show up as habits; when these become unhelpful or we become reliant upon them, they can negatively affect our lives. Often addictions are used as coping mechanisms, a distraction to block out unwanted feelings, or to give a false ‘feel good’ feeling, which is short-lived, so we end up repeating it more and more. Hypnotherapy is very effective to rewire the brain and remove the cravings of addictions.
Hypnotherapy for smoking and addiction can help you;
Identify when and how the addiction began
Remove the craving
Learn healthy coping mechanisms
Feel free of the addiction and in control of your life
How can stop smoking hypnotherapy specifically help?
By finding out your patterns, triggers and your weak moments, I can personally tailor a plan that will re-programme your subconscious mind and break the habit to smoke. By removing the ‘need’ ‘want’ or ‘desire’ to smoke, you will break the addiction. Hypnotherapy will help you stop smoking by:
Breaking the smoking habit
Not thinking about smoking
Removing the craving to smoke
Being indifferent to other smokers
Frequently Asked Questions:
+ Why choose Changes Hypnotherapy for stop smoking hypnotherapy?
I have successfully treated clients and removed their addictions to alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, food, gambling, shopping, pornography and other addictions and help them take back control of their lives. My aim is have you achieve lasting results in the shortest possible time. See testimonials. During the first appointment I will complete an initial consultation to find out the details of your addiction for example: when did it start, what was going on at the time, has it worsened and how does it present itself? I will also find out the details of your personal circumstances and the background of your addiction so I can really understand what your addiction is like for you and so personalise your treatment. We can work together to identify any triggers and times or events that are particularity challenging, I can then give you tools and techniques to help you deal with these difficult times. Together we can remove your smoking addiction for good leaving you in control and free to enjoy your life, with new coping mechanisms in place to help you in the future.
+ Does hypnotherapy for smoking and addictions work?
Yes! Hypnotherapy is highly effective at breaking habits and addictions, removing the ‘want’ ‘need’ and ‘desire’ of your addiction. We can replace the negative coping mechanism of addiction with new helpful coping mechanisms. Using hypnotherapy we can re-programme the subconscious to be in control of body and mind and feel calmer and more relaxed and therefore able to cope with any situation easily. See testimonials.